ASPO Presentation: "Global Energy Resources - The Peak Oil View" On March 5th, ASPO President Kjell Aleklett, was invited to give a lecture at University of Aberdeen in their lecture series Energy Controversies. Kjell gave a presentation called "Global Energy Resources: The Peak Oil View" This presentation is now available in full from from University of Aberdeen. Colin Cambell has now written newsletters for 100 months. 100 months is a long tenure. In his first letter he introduced the world to a new term, ”Peak Oil”. I first made contact with Colin by email in the autumn of 2000 when I needed a little information for a figure and I believe that it was in December of the same year that I first spoke with him by telephone. He was then writing that which would become newsletter number 1. He spoke about the idea of an organisation that would study the peak of oil production and the name ”Association for the Study of the Oil Peak” was mentioned. But the acronym ASOP did not roll off the tongue in the right way so the suggestion to swap the words around to say Peak Oil was discussed. The acronym became ASPO and the term ”Peak Oil” was coined. Today, ”Peak Oil” is an expression that is used around the world. The Parliament of the Walloon Region of Belgium has even formed a new standing committee for Peak Oil. Around the world, presidents, national inquiries, parliamentary interrogations etc. have put Peak Oil on the agenda. I just made a search on Google using the exact term “Peak Oil” and found 2,700,000 hits. read more
(This article is published by ASPO International,, and the article can be published as printed or on the web by making this reference. Translations to other languages are also accepted. An original Swedish version that is translated to English by Michael Lardelli can be found at Aleklett’s Energy Mix.) Newsweek and “Cheap Oil forever” Kjell Aleklett Newsweek’s cover declares that we shall have ”Cheap Oil Forever”. read more The world could run out of oil in 20 years. This grim scenario is not the prediction of environmentalists, but of Michel Mallet, the general manager of French energy giant Total's German operations. In an interview, Mallet calls for radical reduction of gas consumption and a tax on aviation fuel. Some statements from Mr Mallet in a recent interview in Der Spiegel: About 87 million barrels a day are produced worldwide. In the past, it was believed that this number could be increased to 130 million. I consider that an illusion. Realistically, the capacity is less than 105 million barrels. Read the full interview here: Der Spiegel Online The number of exploration wells being drilled in the North Sea has collapsed by 78 per cent in the first quarter of 2009 compared with the same period last year, according to the most recent industry data from Deloitte, the accounting and consulting firm. The worsening exploration climate could knock 10-15 years off the North Sea’s expected lifespan of 20-30 years, meaning almost half of all its infrastructure could be decommissioned within the next 11 years, UK Oil and Gas estimates. Instead of satisfying 45 per cent of the UK’s oil and gas needs in 2020, at the current investment pace the North Sea would only be able to meet 12 per cent of its demand. Consequently, the UK and Europe will increasingly have to rely on Russia for natural gas and the Middle East for oil. Read more: Financial Times Russian gas monopoly Gazprom believes global demand and it own gas production will be depressed by around 10% for the next 4-5 years, its deputy chief executive said today. "A reduction in demand of 10 percent will continue for the next 4-5 years," Valery Golubev told a conference. Gazprom sees its position in Europe declining by 2020 as it focuses on liquefied natural gas exports and deliveries to Asia, he said in a Reuters report. Source: Upstream Online Japan and Venezuela today agreed a broad co-operation deal which will see them jointly develop oil and gas projects in the Latin American nation. State-affiliate Japan Oil, Gas & Metals National Corp (Jogmec), Inpex and Mitsubishi Corporation will pursue a joint feasibility study with Venezuela on the Orinoco oil belt in the next two years, Energy Minister Rafael Ramirez said at a signing ceremony in Tokyo. The oil belt may potentially have reserves of up to 6 billion barrels, and the ability to produce about 200,000 barrels per day, said Ramirez, who is also the head of the state oil company PDVSA. Venezuela also agreed with four Japanese trading houses, Mitsubishi, Itochu, Mitsui & Co and Marubeni Corporation, to begin work on the development of a gas field for liquefied natural gas, Ramirez told Reuters. Read more: Upstream Online Platts 2nd Annual New Challenges for Crude Oil conference will address and provide the crude oil’s different market players with an outlook on the upstream, midstream and downstream sector. The recent drastic market alterations have shown the limits of a global supply driven market, especially when the understanding of the real driver mechanisms are yet to be fully mastered. ASPO President Kjell Aleklett has been chosen as chairman for the conference. This may be seen as how ASPO and peak oil has become accepted players within the oil industry and market. Conference agenda is available from [here]. Wall Street Journal features a recent article that looks closer on the oil situation in Russia. It concludes that oil markets may not be pricing in the extent of dwindling output in the world's biggest producer, Russia, a factor that could buoy prices later this year, traders and analysts said. Last week, the Russian government predicted 2009 oil output of 9.68 million barrels a day, a 1.1% annual drop. But a Dow Jones Newswires survey of 12 analysts puts the decline at more than twice that rate, with the most pessimistic predicting a slump of 7%. "We believe [Russia] will add to the growing global supply curtailment by the end of 2009, a factor which isn't fully appreciated by the market," said Oswald Clint, an analyst at Sanford C. read more Investment banker Matthew Simmons, author of Twilight in the Desert and a famous peak oil person, was interviewed in the business program The Agenda on channel TVO. He expressed his concerns about the oil price illusions and gave some perspectives on the pricing mechanisms and the actuall cost of oil for the consumer. Watch the video here: Youtube
Understanding crude oil prices The $140/barrel price in the summer of 2008 and the $60/barrel in November of 2008 could not both be consistent with the same calculation of a scarcity rent warranted by long-term fundamentals. What caused the high price of oil in the summer of 2008? In Understanding Crude Oil Prices (NBER Working Paper No. 14492), James Hamilton reviews a number of theories, including commodity price speculation, strong world demand, time delays or geological limitations on increasing production, OPEC monopoly pricing, and an increasingly important contribution of the "scarcity rent" associated with oil. He suggests that there is an element of truth to all of these explanations. New solar thermal technology overcomes a major challenge facing solar power how to store the sun's heat for use at night or on a rainy day. In the high desert of southern Spain, not far from Granada, the Mediterranean sun bounces off large arrays of precisely curved mirrors that cover an area as large as 70 soccer fields. These parabolic troughs follow the arc of the sun as it moves across the sky, concentrating the sun's rays onto pipes filled with a synthetic oil that can be heated to 750 degrees Fahrenheit. That super-heated oil is used to boil water to power steam turbines, or to pump excess heat into vats of salts, turning them a molten, lava-like consistency. A new report charges that government subsidies for biofuels arent working and that policy makers should rethink where they spend public funds intended to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The report looks at subsidies aimed at nurturing Canadas biofuel industry, from money for research and development to capital investments and operating costs. Since Caps is an investment based game it would only make sense to make peak oil applicable as an investment theory. Now Im not going to claim that Im the first on this site to base a portfolio on these issues but I do consider it an important investment area to be cognizant of. The best way of describing the opportunity of peak oil is that demand is constantly growing as emerging markets want a taste of the good life. At the same time production is falling dramatically and that represents a phenomenal spread for investors. If oil production falls 2.5% percent a year and demand rises 3% a year extrapolated over the decades that it will take the major global economies to get off of oil the spreads only get wider. This falling oil availability along with rising demand for energy is a virtual investment sweet-spot. Many trains, equipment, facilities of largest agencies near end of useful life WASHINGTON - More than one-third of the trains, equipment and facilities of the nations seven largest rail transit agencies are near the end of their useful life or past that point, the government said Thursday. Many have components that are defective or may be critically damaged. NEW YORK (Reuters) - The White House has finished a review of a rule that aims to cut emissions from alternative motor fuels like ethanol, federal environmental regulators said on Thursday. The Office of Management and Budget has completed the review of the Environmental Protection Agency's rule and "we will determine what further action to take," the EPA said in a prepared statement. WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. lawmakers on Thursday will consider legislation that would allow the federal government to override state objections to establishing corridors for new electricity transmission lines. The draft proposal from the Senate Energy and Natural Resources committee would give states one year to provide sites for high-priority national transmission projects. LONDON/NEW YORK (Reuters) - Oil companies are storing a record volume of oil at sea in giant tankers as world crude supply outstrips demand, and this floating oil lake is now so big that it is likely to keep a lid on prices for some time. Shipping analysts say around 100 million barrels of crude and about 25 million barrels of refined products, such as gas oil, are held in fleets of Very Large Crude Carriers (VLCCs) in Europe, West Africa, the U.S. Gulf and off Asian ports. DETROIT/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Chrysler LLC filed for bankruptcy on Thursday and announced an industry-changing deal with Fiat, after being pummeled by sliding auto sales and unable to reach agreement on restructuring its debt. Despite weeks of intense negotiations, Chrysler failed to gain full support from its lenders to avoid the first-ever bankruptcy filing by a major U.S. automaker.
Unidentified gunmen have destroyed a power station feeding the Ahdab oil field which a Chinese firm is developing.
The attack is the first on Ahdad for the development of which the China National Petroleum Corporation had signed a $3 billion contract with Iraq in 2008.
Earth Angels Earth Day Special: Energy and Food in a World of Limited Natural Resources Thirsty Hybrid And Electric Cars Could Triple Demands On Scarce Water Resources The Peak Oil Crisis: Priorities Buildings & Grounds: Food For Thought for Agriculture and the Future 'Peak oil' enters mainstream debate The Peak Oil Crisis: Oil in the Great Recession Natural Gas as Answer to Oil Decline Could Lead to Catastrophe, Says Leading Expert What Next? Take Peak Oil seriously - it'll be here much sooner than you think
Update: Daily Peak Oil News Feeds and Submissions
As a part of our continued site upgrades, we are now offering 4 new services: daily peak oil news feeds, the ability to submit peak oil articles (with HTML), a submission form for link exchanges and/or RSS feeds, and a RSS feed tool for peak oil webmasters. We hope these new features will provide [...]
World Energy Predictions 2006-2030
The World Energy Outlook (WEO) is a yearly energy forecast published by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), and the International Energy Agency (IEA). The 2006 report urges the international community to invest heavily in energy efficiency in order to avoid a global economic crisis. Governments will need to invest at least $20 [...]
American Oil Depletion in Canada
Canadian oil wells supply a large percentage of American natural gas and oil imports. Satisfying America’s prodigious energy appetite depends on the continued availability of Canadian energy sources. About 25 percent of the crude oil and 80 percent of the natural gas imported into the United States come from our very accommodating neighbor to the [...]
North American Energy Consumption
Whenever the price of gas rises, North Americans begin to talk about driving less. Recent oil price trends have seen a noticeable reduction in SUV sales and have hit the large automobile manufacturers hard. Middle class America has been hit hardest by the rising cost of living; higher taxes and mortgages, car payments and the [...]
Energy Supply Solutions
Lou Grinzo, a technical writer and bachelor in economics, is working hard to raise awareness about the peak oil situation in two ways. First, he is trying to introduce people to the major trends in energy development and talk about what can be done for the future. Second, he wants to give people the references [...]
Global Ecosystem Collapse - WWF Report
Every other year, the World Wildlife Fund publishes the Living Planet Report, which charts trends in the world’s ecosystem biodiversity and the human ecological footprint. The most recent report update released Oct 24th, 2006 warns of a worldwide ecosystem collapse within 50 years. The WWF report urges that we must reduce global consumption by at [...]
World Oil Reserves and Supply Statistics
Global oil resources are at times difficult to measure. World oil statistics are available from a variety of sources, but no one can make an accurate prediction of when and where new oil deposits will be found, or how much oil exists in these unknown locations. In order to be able to predict the date [...]
2006 Boston ASPO World Oil Conference
The 2006 Boston World Oil Conference will be held October 27th and 28th at Boston University in Boston, Massachusetts . Time for Action: A Midnight Ride for Peak Oil is co-hosted by ASPO-USA and Boston University. ASPO USA announces the second “Dialogue with the Experts,” a high-level conference to discuss impacts of and responses to [...]
Low Gas Prices = Demand Increase
Americans are celebrating plunging gasoline prices by hitting the roads. After barely rising during the summer months, gasoline demand rose swiftly in September, the American Petroleum Institute said Wednesday. Deliveries of gasoline to U.S. service stations, a proxy for demand, rose more than 4% in September from the same month a year ago. That number [...]
Global Oil Addiction Alternatives
The economic growth of many nations is exclusively linked to the international oil production economy. This fact results in increased resouce competition between the great powers, and as we have seen in recent U.S. foreign policy, war and conflict are born from these factors. The growing energy needs of Asian nations such as China and [...]
Washington Post | Oil & Gas
Oil Rallies On Fed Plan To Pump Up Economy
The price of oil climbed more than 7 percent to $51.61 a barrel yesterday as commodity prices rallied across the board, buoyed by a weakening dollar and the prospect of an economic recovery fueled by the Federal Reserve.
Aided by Financial Crisis, China Snaps Up Natural Resources Worldwide
SHANGHAI -- Chinese companies have been on a shopping spree in the past month, snapping up tens of billions of dollars' worth of key assets in Iran, Brazil, Russia, Venezuela, Australia and France in a global fire sale set off by the financial crisis.
OPEC to Maintain Oil Output, Urges Nations to Meet Quotas
Facing a global recession and falling oil demand, the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries reached a compromise yesterday in an effort to bolster oil prices without sending the world economy into a steeper decline.
The Beautiful Wind of T. Boone Pickens
T. Boone Pickens has his own way of saying things. Ethanol Producers Press for Higher Limits
The nation's ethanol producers are urging the Obama administration to raise the 10 percent limit on ethanol in motor fuel to 15 percent or more, a move they hope will create new demand at a time when many distilleries are idle.
Trouble Trickles From Steep Drop in Oil Prices
The precipitous fall in the price of oil in recent months, while good for consumers, has contributed to the confusion in the global economy, wreaking havoc with the budgets and economies of oil-exporting nations and putting many expensive energy projects on hold.
From Deep Fryer to Fuel Tank
When gas prices soared last summer, John Larson didn't fret. And he didn't buy a hybrid car. Instead, the Leesburg resident whipped around town in his Volkswagen Beetle that was powered by a diesel engine he equipped to run on vegetable oil.
Salazar Voids Drilling Leases On Public Lands in Utah
In a clear signal that the Obama administration is shifting the government's approach to energy exploration on public lands, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar yesterday canceled oil and gas leases on 77 parcels of federal land after opponents said the drilling would blight Utah's scenic southeastern... Raise the Gax Tax, End Our Oil Addiction
There's a revenue-neutral way to treat our oil addiction.
Exxon Roars To Record In Oil Slump
Exxon Mobil finished a roller-coaster year in the oil markets with an all-time record $45.2 billion in profits, despite fourth-quarter earnings that were a third lower than the same period a year before.
Short post today. I just want to call everyone's attention to a new site called WRONG TOMORROW. The site is self-explanatory, and all the regulars here will quickly perceive its value. It's accountability time for the tidal wave of self-styled "prophets" now infesting the Internet. Spread the word, and let's give Maciej a helping hand in this important work. 400. MORE ELECTRIC TRUCKS
Five years ago, when I first got involved with peak oil, electric and hybrid trucks weren't even a concept. A little over a year ago, when I first posted on the subject they still seemed fairly exotic. Now, in 2009, an amazing amount of progress has taken place, and the technology for both EV and HEV (hybrid EV) trucks is rapidly filtering into the mainstream. It's becoming increasingly clear that peak oil will have little impact on tasks such as local trucking, garbage collection, and grid maintenance. Peak oil is simply occurring too slow compared to the rate of truck innovation and dissemination. 399. FAST CHARGINGEATON Eaton is a manufacturer of hybrid drivetrains for medium and heavy-duty trucks. Just a couple of days ago, President Obama spoke at the preview of a PHEV utility truck made by Eaton, EPRI and Ford: The plug-in hybrid truck is the first of five “boom and bucket” trucks based on a Ford F-550 chassis that will be provided by Eaton, EPRI and Ford to public and private utility fleets in the United States for use and evaluation. In addition to fuel and emissions savings while the truck is on the road, additional energy savings are available by utilizing the electric side of the system to power the ancillary systems and tools when the truck is stopped at a work site.Source ![]() ATCO, an Alberta electric utility, is also introducing an HEV utility bucket truck Source. American Electric Power, a mid- and southern US electric utility has 4 International Durastar hybrid bucket trucks with Eaton drivetrains, and 18 more on order Source. A Michigan beer distributor recently purchased 15 medium-duty International DuraStar hybrid tractors made by Navistar with an Eaton drivetrain Source. Kraft is adopting the Durastar hybrid for transport of frozen foods Source. Honda is testing a Class 8 hybrid diesel truck made by Peterbilt (Paccar) and Eaton Source. BALQON The heavy-duty electric trucks being used in the Port of Los Angeles, which I described 6 months ago are now in full production. The assembly line is finished, and Balqon will first be producing 20 units for the Port of LA Source. Note that Balqon's Nautilus E30 Class 8 heavy-duty EV truck, and their Mule M-150 7-ton medium duty EV truck, are both equipped for fast-charging Source. Balqon is using AeroVironment's PosiCharge fast charge system for the Port of LA trucks Source. ![]() SMITH ELECTRIC VEHICLES The Smith Newton 7.5 to 14 tonne all-electric commercial truck from Smith Electric Vehicles, which has been in use in Europe for 3 years, will soon be rolled out in North America Source. Smith's UK customers include: Babcock Airports, Continental Landscapes, TK Maxx, BSkyB, DHL, TNT Express, Openreach, Sainsburys, Royal Mail, CEVA Logistics, Scottish & Southern Energy, Crown Records Management, Translinc, yoyo and Balfour Beatty Source. MODEC UK manufacturer Modec offers trucks in a number of styles, with a range up to 100 miles, maximum speed of 50mph, and payload of 2 tonnes. They have sold 150 vehicles since production started in 2007. Customers so far include: Tesco, UPS, FedEx, M&S, Network Rail, Speedy Hire, Stadsdeel Amsterdam Oud Zuid, CenterParcs, Hildon Water, Stadstoezicht Amsterdam, CESPA (Madrid), Deret Group (France), and UK Local Authorities (Modec vans) Source. ![]() FORD Ford has announced a tie-up with Smith Electric Vehicles to market a fully electric version of its Transit Connect panel van in 2010. Ford will provide the chassis, brand and marketing, and Smith will integrate the EV technology Source. EVI Electric Vehicles International is a new player, which apparently has a significant marketing presence in Mexico. It is now offering the customizable eviLightTruck in 3 configurations -- Class 3, Class 4 and Class 5-6 -- for the US market Source. UPS In May of 2008, UPS ordered 200 HEV trucks with drivetrains made by Eaton (the largest HEV order in the industry to date), and 300 CNG trucks Source. In October, they ordered 7 hydraulic hybrids, and in November, they announced an order of 12 EV trucks produced by Modec, for deployment in the UK and Germany in early 2009 Source. UPS currently has the largest alternative fuel fleet in the parcel industry, with more than 1,500 compressed natural gas, liquefied natural gas, propane, hydrogen fuel cell, electric and hybrid electric vehicles Source. RYDER Ryder is offering the RydeGreen medium-duty hybrid truck based on Navistar and Eaton technology. "According to International®, the truck has the potential to provide up to 30 to 40 percent improved fuel efficiency in standard in-city pick up and delivery applications."Source ![]() KENWORTH In early March 2009, Kenworth (a Paccar subsidiary) received a large hybrid truck order from Coca-Cola Enterprises: The Kirkland company, a division of Bellevue-based Paccar Inc. (NASDAQ: PCAR), said Coca-Cola Enterprises ordered 150 T370 diesel-electric tractors and 35 T370 hybrid trucks. Kenworth officials didn’t disclose the value of the order but the fuel-efficient trucks are reported to cost around $100,000 each.Another good source on this topic is the PESWiki for electric trucks. The Wiki gives an extensive list of firms, large and small, producing electric trucks.
by JD
Last week, MIT announced the development of a new type of fast-charging lithium battery: 398. ELECTRONICS STORES SELLING TRANSPORTATIONMIT breakthrough promises lighter, fast-charging batteries Scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have developed a way to charge lithium ion batteries in seconds, instead of hours, that could open the door to smaller, faster-charging batteries for cell phones and other devices.The above is just one approach. A number of fast-charging technologies are already practical and being rolled out. This was also announced last week: Nissan to trial fast charge electric car network Pilot project in Arizona promises to charge batteries in less than 15 minutesThe Minit Charger fast-charge technology from ECOtality subsidiary eTec was developed in 1996, and 4300 stations are currently in use for fast charging forklift trucks. You can see a video of the Minit Charger in action here. Toshiba also has an entry in this area, the SCIB (Super Charge Ion Battery): Toshiba gears up for fast charging battery Toshiba is to ramp up production of a new type of Lithium Ion battery that can charge to 90 percent of its capacity in a few minutes and is highly-resistant to short circuits.Toshiba is collaborating with Schwinn on a fast-charging electric bicycle powered by the SCiB: New Schwinn fast charging electric bicycle In September 2008 Schwinn Bicycles announced a strategic collaboration with Toshiba Corporation that they think is going to dramatically improve the uptake of electric bicycles around the world. Schwinn presented the results of this collaboration at the recent Interbike International Bicycle Expo in the form of the Tailwind.Here's a fast charging battery technology for buses: Proterra claims electric vehicle batteries can recharge in 10 minutes Battery recharging times remain a major obstacle for electric vehicles. But perhaps not for long. Proterra claims that its new all-electric buses can recharge in as little as ten minutes.More info on Proterra here. Last week, it was also announced that the Tesla will have 440V fast-charge capability, similar to the Minit Charger specs. Apparently Nissan's upcoming TBD all-electric car will also have the ability to fast charge in 26 minutes. It would seem that fast charging technology is already here.
by JD
Here's an interesting new wrinkle I hadn't thought of. The US electronics/appliance retailer BestBuy is planning to market an electric motorcycle, The Brammo Enertia: 397. DEFFEYES CRAPS OUT AGAINBest Buy is getting into motorcycles – think Geek Squad in mechanics' coveralls.Here's the photo and the specs: ![]() Top speed: 50+ mph Recharge time: ~3 hrs Range: 35-45 miles MPG equivalent: 276 Price: US$ 12000 This one's a little pricey, but even today it has dozens of hungry competitors, many at much lower prices. It makes you wonder: are conventional car manufacturers and dealers yesterday's news? Why wouldn't electric manufacturers and retailers muscle in on scooters and other LEVs (Light EVs)? After all, they're just another electrical appliance. Just as we can expect electric companies to behave more like (or be taken over by) oil companies in the coming post-oil EV era, perhaps we should expect existing electronics/electric firms to play an increasing role in vehicle manufacturing and retailing. It's like I said a while back: electric scooters are going to be the next ipod. We'll be stamping them out by the millions, in 8 trendy colors.
by JD
Interesting news today from Robert Rapier. Official EIA stats now show that 2008 set a new record for annual oil (crude + condensate) production. 396. NUCLEAR POWER UPDATEWhich means that Ken Deffeyes has crapped out once again, adding yet another flub to his long and sorry list of blown predictions. I've gone into depth about this before, but here's the recap. When we last left him, Ken had erroneously predicted peak oil for: 2000 2003 2004-2008 2004 Nov. 24 2005 Dec. 16 2005 Nov. 2005-April 2006 In early 2007, Deffeyes waffled once again -- this time backwards, to May 2005. The US Energy Information Agency publishes monthly estimates of world oil production at (Microsoft Office Excel Workbook) Of course, we hope that their estimates are not politically biased. Their current posting shows May 2005 as the month of greatest world oil production. Earlier, I estimated that the peak would be in December, 2005, but May will do. I'll take it. I'll take it.SourceAs you would expect, this latest adjustment also turned out wrong. According to the very spreadsheet Ken references, the May 2005 level 74.241kbd was surpassed in July 2008, reaching 74.831kbd. Naturally, he had nothing to say about this on his website. For him, making predictions is like a bear shitting in the woods. Just kick some dirt over the last one when it starts reeking, and grunt out the next one. Of course, there's always the old standby: "We'll see who gets the last laugh, JD. Someday Ken's going to be right." Actually, I would dispute that. My current conjecture is that oil will never peak as long as Ken Deffeyes is making predictions. That's how truly rank his predictions are. But whenever Ken finally shuts up and oil actually peaks, it's not going to be Ken who is proven right. We're all going to be proven right. Me, Mike Lynch, Daniel Yergin, CERA... literally everyone (aside from the mentally retarded) concedes that oil will peak. So on that glorious day when we're all proven right, I say we all go out for a rousing mutual backslap and group hug! More broadly, we should note that Ken, like many peak oilers, has been trying to stack the deck by restricting his prediction to conventional crude. The reality is that Ken's "peak" is being swamped by flows of unconventional liquids such as tar sands and (most importantly) NGL, as you can see in the IEA figures for total liquids: ![]() Hey Ken. Your ride is here. ![]() ![]() Kentucky House panel approves nuclear bill The Tourism Development and Energy Committee of the Kentucky House has approved a bill that could lead to the lifting of a 25-year-old moratorium on the construction of nuclear power plants within the US state.Georgia lawmakers OK early recovery of nuclear costs The Georgia House voted Thursday to let Georgia Power Co. begin charging customers for a planned nuclear power plant five years before it is due to go into service.Iran tests first nuclear power plant in Bushehr Iran began testing out its first nuclear power plant on Wednesday in the southern port of Bushehr, the New York Times reports.Most Asean members want nuclear power Most of the members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations are amenable to tapping nuclear power to promote alternative sources of energy, an official said yesterday.After a 20-year ban, France helps Italy embrace nuclear energy Twenty years after banning new nuclear plants, Italy is turning to France to restore its nuclear program.Workforce education for a nuclear energy revival A rapidly growing demand for more electricity – from cleaner energy sources – has nuclear power poised for a revival in the United States.Wisconsin regulator says nuclear should be an option Wisconsin Public Service Commission Chairman Eric Callisto told attendees at an energy conference Monday that he believes legislators will end the state's ban on new nuclear power plants. But Tia Nelson, co-chairwoman of the Governor's Global Warming Task Force, called nuclear energy a "distraction" from efforts toward conservation and energy efficiency.Oklahoma nuclear power bill advances in committee Oklahoma lawmakers signaled their interest to go nuclear, approving legislation that would streamline the state's regulatory process and provide new incentives to build a nuclear power plant.Toshiba wins US nuclear plant projects Japan's Toshiba Corp. said Wednesday it had won a contract to build two nuclear plants in the United States that are scheduled to start generating power in 2016.Two new nuclear power stations planned for Cumbrian coast Two new nuclear power stations could be built on farmland in west Cumbria, as well as those already predicted for the Sellafield site.W.Va. lawmakers propose nuclear power ban repeal Some West Virginia lawmakers hope to add nuclear power to the state's energy portfolio.Algeria to erect nuclear Power plant The Algerian government has announced its plans to erect the first ever nuclear power plant by 2020, Energy and Mining Minister Chakib Khelil has said.Jordan, Russia sign nuclear deal Russia, which is helping Iran build its first nuclear plant, inked a preliminary cooperation deal with Jordan on Thursday to pave the way for producing nuclear power in the energy-poor kingdom.Yucca Mountain is Dead! Long Live Fast Breeders?! The Obama administration's new budget essentially kills the Yucca mountain radioactive waste repository project. The original goal was to build a facility in which to safely store high level radioactive wastes from America's 104 nuclear power reactors. Anti-nuke environmentalist ideologues have long opposed the Yucca mountain facility. Their goal is make nuclear power impractical by blocking the waste disposal stream. But perhaps they've outfoxed themselves. nukepowerNow Even “Greens” Are Turning To Nuclear Power Nuclear power has new converts, according to top UK environmentalists, as they made public their belief that this energy source is still required.India Targets 6,000-MW of Nuclear Power in 2009 The agreements with AREVA and TVEL come at a time when three reactors in the country are set to commence production. Units 5 and 6 at the Rajasthan Atomic Power Plant (2 X 220 MW), Unit 4 at the Kaiga Power Plant in Karnataka (220-MW) and one unit at the Koodankulam Power Plant in Tamil Nadu (1,000-MW) will go live this year. The steady supply of fuel is expected to boost atomic power production from the existing 17 facilities to about 6,000-MW by the end of 2009, with the reactors expected to operate at about 90 percent of their combined installed capacities.German State Calls for Extension of Nuclear Power Germany’s largest producer of wind- powered electricity, the northern state of Schleswig-Holstein, should extend the use of its three nuclear power plants, a government minister said.Tender for Armenian nuclear power station The Armenian Government has announced a tender for holding a competition which will identify which company should undertake the construction of a new nuclear power station in the country. In 38 days the tender commission will announce the winner of this tender, who will then hold the competition and thereby identify the most appropriate power station constructor.China may help Vietnam build N-reactor A Chinese firm has started talks to help Vietnam in building its first nuclear power project to reduce electrical shortages in the country.Manitoba town pushes for nuclear reactor The town of Pinawa, Man., may be in line for a nuclear renaissance.Third reactor at North Anna nuclear power plant debated About 100 people turned out last night to argue for and against plans to build a third nuclear reactor at Louisa County's North Anna Power Station.Sweden lifts ban on nuclear power Nuclear power received a significant boost today when the Swedish government announced plans to overturn a near 30-year ban on atomic plants as part of a new drive to increase energy security and combat global warming.Kuwait eyes nuclear power with French help - paper Kuwait is considering developing nuclear power with the help of a French firm to meet demand for electricity and water desalination, the country's ruler said in remarks published on Wednesday.
by JD
Since the crash started in summer 2008, the general view in the peak oil community has been that the current low prices are an anomaly, and that prices will soon return to their upward trajectory. A number of voices are starting to question this view. The main issue seems to be this: Is the economy going to actually recover any time soon? 394. CONSERVATION STIMULATES THE ECONOMYIt reminds me of an inconsistency I often noticed when oil prices were skyrocketing. Many doomers were simultaneously claiming that: a) the economy was dying, and b) oil prices would continue to go through the roof. Something had to give, and as we all now know, that turned out to be claim b). Now we've got the same contradiction all over again. Naturally the doomers are jazzed that the credit crisis is sending the economy into a death spiral, but at the same time they keep talking about oil prices soaring "when the economy comes back". It doesn't add up. If the financial crisis is a death spiral, the economy isn't going to come back for a long time. I keep wondering, are they just in denial, hoping for their oil portfolios to come back? Consider the Asian Financial Crisis of 1997. That was peanuts compared to what we've got happening now, and it knocked the price of oil down to $10 a barrel -- equivalent to only $13 a barrel in 2009 dollars. It would seem that oil has a lot more room on the downside. The Wall Street Journal Blog is starting to wonder: With already tottering demand getting even weaker, oil bulls are having second thoughts. Barclays Bank, which for months has warned oil prices will rebound because of supply shortages, slashed its 2009 forecast for Brent crude to $61 from $70.Another skeptic says the unthinkable in Your Oil Stocks Aren't Coming Back: Remember when Intel (INTC), Microsoft (MSFT), Dell (DELL), Lucent (ALU), Yahoo (YHOO) and Cisco (CSCO) ruled the markets? There was an era, roughly 1997 to 2000 when those stocks actually mattered. They were important companies doing big things in terms of providing the technology needed for the next century’s communications and internet build-out. And then, they just didn’t matter anymore. Once the dot com bubble burst, every bounce or rally in these names was basically a selling opportunity…for 8 years and counting! See the above chart for a notion of how frustrating it must have been to stay positive on NASDAQ tech names.Traders talking about "dumb money" in the oil markets: Flynn expects oil prices to eventually drop well below $30 a barrel in coming months as manufacturers cut operations and millions of laid off workers stop commuting to work.More in the same vein from Rigzone (hat tip to OilFinder): Oil Cos' Bet on Swift Price Rebound Has Its Risks
by JD
Many newcomers are confused about what we stand for here at Peak Oil Debunked. So today I'd like to describe our basic position, and how we differ from the more pessimistic mainstream of the peak oil community. 393. GLUTS AND MORE GLUTSThe main difference is that the pessimists focus obsessively on the supply side. They are committed to the idea of societal breakdown or collapse, so they constantly fret about supply, like Dave Cohen: Here's the main point: Can anyone, anywhere, point to a large new secure supply of crude coming online anywhere in the next few (5) years that solves the supply and demand equation in that time frame and beyond? I think not.When the IEA draws some crazy curve which says world demand is going to be 121mbd in 2030, pessimists like Dave really take it to heart. They genuinely think that the world is going to need that much oil. That is why they are pessimistic. The world will need 121mbd, but it's unlikely that amount will be forthcoming, so the system is going to breakdown. That's the doomer view in a nutshell, and it's nicely captured in a recent graph from the Oil Drum, which Gail Tverberg uses to terrorize the wide-eyed newbies in her presentations on peak oil: ![]() Note that Gail and her fellow pessimists are very careful to never question the unexamined doomer assumption, i.e. to ask: "Is all that oil really necessary?" I, on the other hand, am an optimist. I believe that most oil is wasted and conservation is actually quite easy. I don't believe we need most of the oil we are using today, so the failure to meet the 121mbd target is not really a big deal. Like I wrote back to Dave: The error in your ways is that you are thinking only in terms of supply side solutions. You think that the failure to meet demand is a terrible problem. It's not. Most oil demand is for frivolous, wasteful uses (like single person commuting in the U.S.) It's a form of addiction, and demand destruction isn't a bad thing, it's "healing" or "getting better".It is patently obvious that vast amounts of oil are being wasted, particularly in first world countries. The Hirsch Report itself admits (P. 24) that "67 percent of personal automobile travel, and 50 percent of airplane travel are discretionary". This means that 6.3 million barrels per day (roughly equal to the oil production of Iran+Iraq) are used in discretionary auto/air travel in the US alone. That's huge: 30% of US oil consumption, and 50% of US oil imports. And it's being wasted on non-mission-critical, optional travel. Or consider commuting. The average commute in the US is 16 miles Source. Which means that, in a pinch, half the population could easily commute to work by bicycle. Those with longer commutes can conserve, while still maintaining functionality as usual, by car pooling, or driving a hyper-efficient vehicle, like the Veken hybrid scooter, which is available today for less than $3000, and gets 180mpg (you can see a video here. More info here). On top of that, you can count numerous other demand-side measures, like telecommuting, telepresence, or even gasoline rationing with tradeable credits. You could very easily draft a plan to eliminate half of US oil consumption (10mbd, or 1 Saudi Arabia) simply by trimming waste and lifestyle. Of course my point here is true, and it carries a lot of force. In fact, I've never met a doomer who didn't immediately acknowledge the validity of this point. There is no genuine "need" for people to commute to computerized desk jobs 100 miles away in 6000 lb. single-occupant SUVs. You don't even have to think about it; it's patently ridiculous. We waste staggering volumes of oil on frivolous lifestyle bullshit. So the optimist solution is to gradually (or quickly, if need be) eliminate all this waste, and switch over the remaining essential part to alternate power sources. For example, the classic case would be a commuter who switches from a single-occupant 12mpg SUV to a 180mpg hybrid scooter, and then to an ∞ mpg electric scooter driven by solar or nuclear. Radically reduce oil use to the minimum necessary, and then substitute. That's the optimist solution in a nutshell. Of course, the doomers are fully committed to horror and mayhem, and have a pre-packaged rebuttal to this solution too. They say that conservation and efficiency are poison to our economy because the economy is based on waste, and eliminating waste will send the economy into a death spiral. It sounds plausible the first time you hear it, but if you think about it carefully, you'll see the fallacy. Consider the classic example: Jane was driving an SUV that got 12mpg. Then she purchased a hybrid scooter for $3000, which gets 180mpg. Assuming $5/gallon gas (due to post-peak conditions), car travel costs $.42/mile and scooter travel costs $0.03/mile. So when she rides her scooter, she's saving about $0.39/mile. At the scooter's top speed of 40mph, she's saving $15.60/hour. She's making as much money driving her scooter as she would working a well-paying second job. She'll pay off the moped in a few months, and after that it's all gravy. Lots of extra money in her pocket is hardly a negative for the economy. That money will get spent somewhere, and the people providing those goods and services will benefit. This is the key point: Whenever you conserve oil, you also save money, and that money gets spent or invested, stimulating the economy. Unlike money spent on oil, which generally flows out of the country, money saved by conserving oil is far more likely to be spent in a way which stimulates the domestic economy and employment. A recent study of efficiency efforts in California bears this out: • Energy efficiency measures have enabled California households to redirect their expenditure toward other goods and services, creating about 1.5 million FTE (Full Time Equivalent) jobs with a total payroll of over $45 billion, driven by well-documented household energy savings of $56 billion from 1972-2006.So there you have it. Conservation is the easiest and best solution to peak oil, and it's highly beneficial to the economy. Careful examination shows the pessimist argument to be based on a series of fallacies.
by JD
The oil glut continues... 392. BOOK REVIEW: "THE MYTH OF THE OIL CRISIS"Crude Oil At Sea Frustrates Efforts At Price Stability Every time the oil market attempts to ignite a rally, an upsurge from the sea of crude stored on waterborne tankers snuffs it out.An LNG glut seems to be brewing as well. Hate to be repetitive, but whatever happened to that imminent cliff in natural gas that Matt Simmons was hysterically squealing about 6 years ago? With rising domestic production from shale and other unconventional natural gas plays, and now a surge of LNG, we seem to be swimming in the stuff. Natural gas glut could hit U.S. As many as seven massive natural gas export terminals are expected to start up overseas this year, expanding worldwide capacity by 20 percent and flooding markets with new supplies of the key power plant and heating fuel. Dozens of new tankers capable of carrying natural gas in a liquefied form are slated to hit the seas.And thanks to OilFinder for some more detail: Surge in US Crude Stocks Blunts OPEC Cuts OPEC cut crude oil output by nearly 1.3 million barrels a day in January in an attempt to tame the growing supply glut that is anchoring prices near $40 a barrel.
by JD
[This post is by Ari, my co-blogger at POD. --JD]
The Myth of the Oil Crisis (MotOC) is a very recently published book (2008) by Robin Mills on the subject of oil, natural gas, and more broadly, energy. As the title suggests, Mills tackles the notion that we are on the brink of an “oil crisis,” known online largely by the monicker “peak oil,” from which the world will never recover. If Campbell and Laherrére are the professionals that gave the peak oil movement its credentialed weight (by being professional geologists), then Mills is perhaps the antithesis for the “debunking” movement. While the book is flawed, it presents a broad optimistic view of energy reserve availability and potential for development and supply of those reserves in the foreseeable future. What makes the book most important, however, is that Mills demonstrates, using easily accessed sources, that the imminent peak arguments are highly flawed and irrational. Robin Mills is, according to his biographical blurb, “an oil industry professional with a background in both geology and economics. Currently (as of 2008), he is Petroleum Economics Manager for the Emirates National Oil Company in Dubai. Previously, he worked for Shell.” Mills is a fairly impressive person, even not including his graduate degree from Cambridge University (in petroleum geology), Then again, so are many of those who currently write about oil depletion from the “peak oil” side. What makes Mills different? For one, he's relatively young (born in 1976). But more importantly, he is someone who is currently in the thick of the oil business in the Middle East itself. Unlike many “peakniks,” Mills actively participates in the energy production business as I write this review. He is not some “armchair analyst” like many of us, and has more of a “veteran view” than many others seem to demonstrate. Mills sets the stage by placing the oil commentators into five camps (examples chosen by me): The Geologists (Campbell, Laherrére, Deffeyes), The Economists (Odell, Lynch, CERA), The Militarists (who are actually made up of the militarists, media, and mercantilists), the Environmentalists (Greenpeace et al.), and the Neo-Luddites (Heinberg). It is important, I believe, to note that “The Geologists” doesn't refer to petroleum geologists, per se, but because they worked at some point in their careers as professional geologists. Mills notes that they can also be referred to as “Malthusians,” which is a fairly fitting appellation. Some may object to the rather broad categories that Mills uses to group the various commentators, however. After all, some actors clearly align with more than one camp. Nonetheless, it serves as a useful way to group the widely divergent views of the oil commentary community. Mills' book's greatest strength is its ability to deconstruct the most frightening of the peak prophecies and show how they are either incorrect, or at the very least, misguided. He is thorough in demonstrating, through both data, and clear, well-sourced arguments, how the extreme pessimists of the energy commentary community are generally incorrect in their arguments and assumptions. He even demonstrates how Hubbert, commonly hailed as a sort of “peak oil prophet” (words mine), was hardly as accurate as he is shown to be. In fact, Mills scrutinizes Hubbert in the fourth chapter, entitled “Half-Full or Half-Empty?” Hubbert, despite his supposed accuracy, was actually fairly inaccurate on a lot of important issues, as Mills demonstrates in the following bullet points:
Another strength of Mills' book is the credence he pays toward economic factors. He shows, throughout the book, that economic factors play a significant role in energy production. One of the often ignored (or derided) factors in energy is the capital needed to keep it running smoothly. The Geologists see geography as the ultimate factor in deciding energy availability, but they are far too willing to ignore the fact that even assuming you have a powerful physical limitation in place, you cannot drill oil if you lack rigs and manpower. Unfortunately, we live in a world today where the physical and human capital needed to run the oil industry has become significantly scarcer than in decades past-- this is largely a consequence of the previous decades of incredibly cheap oil. These same low prices drove OPEC to reduce production as well, which allowed oil commentators (Simmons, for example) to say that Saudi Arabia is in a state of decline. Unfortunately for Simmons, KSA was merely responding rationally to low prices by reducing production. The reader will see a lot of this kind of debunking throughout the book. For some, it will be interesting to see the shriller voices of energy commentary dismantled. For many readers of this blog, however, it will be a rehashing of what has been said here by JD and others. Nonetheless, it is important stuff, and Mills does a good job of taking out some of the more pernicious fallacies with sound economic thinking. Other topics that Mills deals with are unconventional oil, backdating (one of the more irritating traits of The Geologists), natural gas, geopolitics, demand, and finally the environment. I am glad to say that he does a good job of dealing with unconventional oil (it's not as impossible to produce as some say), backdating (basically, contemporary reserve growth is moved back in the past in order to make it look like we ain't finding more!), natural gas (energy of the future, he argues), and demand (not necessarily going to grow exponentially forever.) I was less impressed with his environmental arguments, mostly because I think he arrives from a strange foundation (The Stern Report). Regardless of my misgivings with his use of what I see as an unnecessarily alarmist paper, I believe it is a positive step to see petroleum executives treating CO2 emissions as a serious issue. However, like I said at the beginning, there are problems with MotOC. For one, it is somewhat too technical for most laypersons to read without some difficulty. Mills does a commendable job with explaining the terminology as best as he can, but I sometimes found myself flipping to the glossary to relearn terms that I had forgotten from previous chapters. I also found myself occasionally having to reread sentences to figure out what Mills meant because he occasionally inserted sentences of length and complexity that would make Proust weary. While this is fine for an academic market that is used to dealing with long, convoluted prose, the book seems to be marketed more broadly toward a “well-educated” market. While Mills' sometimes awkward prose is not an overly serious issue, it does detract from the experience. Overall, however, I recommend this book to the “armchair energy analysts” and anyone else who is interested in the topic of energy markets. It may not be groundbreaking for those of us who read this particular blog on a regular basis, but it is a useful text in the sense that it puts a great deal of important data at your fingertips, as well as giving a great deal of insight into the market itself. It is a challenging read, but it is definitely worth the time spent. I doubt it will turn any “doomers” or “peakniks” into optimists, but it will definitely put a lot of things into context for both “debunkers” and those sitting on the fence about the future. It is also, in my opinion, a good text to recommend to friends who stumble on to the “peak oil” scene for the first time, if only to give them insight into how flawed most of the doomsday arguments really are.
by Ari
Rick Nebel On The Limited Results Hugo Chavez Changes His Mind Mark Goldes, Where Are You? EEStor's New Patent Well, It's Something: Polywell Review Panel Gives Thumbs-Up Polywell Gets Another Crack? Administrivia: Fixing Archive Links Purdue Panel Finds Misconduct By Taleyarkhan Lockheed Mumbles Something About EEStor R.A. Nebel On Plasma Calculations
Converging Ecological Crises: Are We Up To The Challenges? Worldwide Protests Slam G8 Support of Nuclear, Coal, Oil May 6, DC Petrocollapse Conference: Culture Change and Sustainable Post-Petroleum Living Peak Opportunity! Earth Liberation and the Oil Endgame Anarchism and the Peak oil Argument Mission Accomplished! Operation Iraqi Liberation (and Peak Oil) The End Of Civilization * Radicollapse * An Open Letter on the Green Scare Peak Oil Anarchy Hits the Road, Dawg! The Oil Drum
A North American Wind Energy Scenario Drumbeat: April 30, 2009 On Choosing - A Hyperlocavore Responds to Catastrophe The Risks of "Cap and Trade" Drumbeat: April 29, 2009 Book Review: Oil 101 Post-peak mechanized agriculture: the RAMSES project Drumbeat: April 28, 2009 Iraqi Oil: Black Gold or Black Hole? New feature: Comment flagging Warning: date() expects parameter 2 to be long, string given in /home/davescom/public_html/rss2html.php on line 606 Warning: date() expects parameter 2 to be long, string given in /home/davescom/public_html/rss2html.php on line 607 Warning: date() expects parameter 2 to be long, string given in /home/davescom/public_html/rss2html.php on line 608 Warning: date() expects parameter 2 to be long, string given in /home/davescom/public_html/rss2html.php on line 609 Warning: date() expects parameter 2 to be long, string given in /home/davescom/public_html/rss2html.php on line 724 Warning: date() expects parameter 2 to be long, string given in /home/davescom/public_html/rss2html.php on line 725 Warning: date() expects parameter 2 to be long, string given in /home/davescom/public_html/rss2html.php on line 726 Warning: date() expects parameter 2 to be long, string given in /home/davescom/public_html/rss2html.php on line 727 Google | Peak oil |
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