"What's black and white and read all over?"

Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Posted 11:29 PM by

Slow and steady Pa. lawmakers lose race

Pennsylvania lawmakers have not addressed any meaningful reforms this year despite the ouster of 17 incumbents in the May primary.Sorry I haven't written for a week folks. Been a bit busy at work wearing two hats as a full-time sports editor and part-time webmaster/submissive.

It's not like a missed much anyway, which is precisely the point of today's post.

Amid an onslaught of political corruption cases in New Jersey, top legislators on Wednesday vowed to push sweeping anti-corruption and ethics reforms toward law in an aggressive bid to tackle the state's leading concerns by year's end.

Constrast that with Pennsylvania's Legislature, which after months of talk over the summer recess, was unable to reform the state law legalizing slot machines before the first five licenses were handed out this month.

The legislators still haven't prohibited themselves from owning up to 1 percent of a slots parlor.

Pennsylvania lawmakers also haven't passed any meaningful campaign finance and lobbying reforms, curtailed their per-diems and other perks, or proposed more meaningful statewide property tax reform.

It's high time the reform movement in this state dusted off its primary election playbook in preperation for the general election.

One final thought, New Jersey lawmakers are paid $49,000 a year while their unproductive Pennsylvania counterparts are now making $72,187.


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