"What's black and white and read all over?"

Friday, May 19, 2006
Posted 9:16 PM by

Another one bites the dust

Another incumbent Pennsylvania legislator has bitten the dust because of last year's legislative pay raise, raising the tally to 15. Five more lawmakers could also be toast once the recount in those races are complete.

State Rep. Patrick Fleagle, R-Franklin County, has conceded to masonry teacher Todd Rock, the Associated Press reported. Rock held a 122-vote lead with 40 military ballots and about a dozen provisional ballots uncounted.

However, official vote tallies in Monroe County and elsewhere could take at least another day.

Primary challenges involving five other incumbents remained too close to call Friday. The legislators are: Rep. Frank LaGrotta, D-Lawrence; Rep. Joseph Preston Jr., D-Allegheny; Rep. Bob Allen, R-Schuylkill; Rep. Joseph F. Markosek, D-Allegheny; and Rep. Babette Josephs, D-Philadelphia.

How is it possible that even though most of Pennsylvania switched to electronic voting machines for Tuesday's primary and the recount still isn't finshed three days after the election?

To be fair, I should say that election officials statewide are pretty happy with the way the new machines performed for the most part.

All that is except for Luzerne County Election Bureau Director Leonard Piazza.

A write-in feature on the new electronic voting machines prompted some angry voters to voice their opinions using profanity, Piazza told the Wilkes-Barre Times Leader.


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