"What's black and white and read all over?"

Monday, April 03, 2006
Posted 7:45 PM by

Have you seen these women?

Lady Liberty, left, and Lady Justice, right, have been missing many years now. If found, please have them report to both Pennsylvania and Washington, D.C., where their absence has been keenly felt.They're not exactly Thelma and Louise, but both are desperately wanted and have gone missing.

One is a free-spirited woman of French-descent who reportedly carries a torch for illegal aliens and others currently deemed unsavory by authorities.

The other woman is blind, possibly armed, but supposedly fair-minded.

If found, please have them report to both Pennsylvania and Washington, D.C., where their absence has been keenly felt for years.

Our horrid foreign policy turned Lady Liberty a sick green long ago. She is believed to have been angered by members of Congress calling for more "freedom fries" and is now missing when she is needed most.

The hard-right Republican-controlled Congress is pondering putting up an even bigger wall between America and Mexico and exporting an estimated 11 million people who crossed over looking for a better life.

How can trade be free in North America if the people producing the goods aren't?

Lady Justice disappeared right around the time O.J. was acquitted but has taken long sabatticals before.

You can bet she won't be anywhere near a Philly courtroom tomorrow when the state Supreme Court convenes in to hear two lawsuits connected to Pennsylvania's now-repealed Legislative pay raise. After all, the justices' salaries are on the line too.

The lack of justice is also apparent in courts where gay advocates have been fighting for the right to marry for years, even as the nation's heterosexual divorce rate approaches 50 percent.

What hurts the institution of marriage more: loving and committed couples vowing fidelity despite their sexual preference, or angry and spiteful married Bible belt couples who call it quits after only a few years?

Here's hoping both women come back home by election day so we may have liberty and justice for all.


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